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Editing in Layout Mode

The Edit Mode in the Layout section allows for detailed adjustments to existing layouts and the management of individual elements within the scene. This feature ensures precise customization and effective control over your project.

Activating Edit Mode

  1. Make sure you are in Layout Mode (selected in the main modes menu).
  2. Click the "Pencil" icon (Edit) to enable editing.
  3. You can now modify the position, size, and color of layouts as well as copy, paste, and delete elements.


Key Functions in Edit Mode

Editing Drawn Layouts

  • Moving Corner Points:
    Click on a specific corner point with the left mouse button and drag it to the desired position to adjust the layout’s shape.
  • Shifting Edges:
    Select and drag an edge to reposition it within the scene.
  • Moving Entire Areas:
    Click the center of the layout area and drag it to move the entire section to a new location.


Copying, Pasting, and Deleting Layout Elements

  • Copying Elements:

    1. Select the desired layout element by clicking it with the left mouse button.
    2. Open the context menu with a double right-click and select "Copy", or use the shortcut Ctrl + C.
  • Pasting Elements:
    After copying, paste the element at a chosen location by selecting "Paste" from the context menu or using Ctrl + V.

  • Deleting Elements:
    Select the layout element and delete it using the "Delete" option in the context menu or by pressing the Del key on your keyboard.



Changing Colors

  • Edge Color:

    1. Double-click on the layout area you wish to modify.
    2. Select the desired edge color from the palette provided.
  • Fill Color:
    Similarly, double-click the area to access the option to change the fill color and choose the appropriate shade for your project.



Highlight on Entry Option

  • Highlight During Animation:
    This feature automatically highlights a layout area in red when activity occurs within it during an animation.
    • To activate: Select the area and enable the "Highlight on Entry" option in the edit panel.




The Edit Mode in Layout Studio offers full control over the appearance and functionality of your project. With options to modify shapes, colors, and manage elements, you can tailor the layout to your exact requirements, enhancing efficiency and simplifying further work and analysis.